Emilia javanica Tassel flowers are subtropical Asian species adapted to high heat and humidity, but also well adapted to temperate conditions. Will self sow in most locations. Suited to borders or as airy fillers within beds. May be spaced as close as 6x6, but will fill into wider spacing, up to 10x10. Direct seeding is best, (about 10 days to germination), but transplanting is as easy as lettuce, sprouting in 7 days at 68°F. Species color may be red, orange, or yellow.
Irish Poet This is the bright orange variety of tassel flower, apparently named for its upstanding “hairstyle” and color. Though the flowering heads are small (about a half inch across), they have a big presence dancing in the wind on their numerous slender stems. Armitage reports as many as 100 stems per plant in his Georgia trials. Superior vase life, used as a colorful filler in cut bouquets. pricing and more