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Flowers (198)
  Achillea/Yarrow (4)
  Ageratum/Floss Flower (1)
  Agrostemma/Corncockles (2)
  Amaranth (5)
  Ammi/False Queen Anne's Lace (2)
  Anemone/Poppy Anemone
  Armeria/Sea Pink (1)
  Artemesia (1)
  Asclepias/Milkweed (5)
  Aster/China Aster (1)
  Baptisia/False Indigo
  Belamcanda/Blackberry Lily (1)
  Bellflowers (1)
  Berlandiera/Chocolate Flower (1)
  Bupleurum/Green Gold Flower
  Calendula (6)
  Catnip (1)
  Celosia (7)
  Chrysanthemum (2)
  Coreopsis (1)
  Cosmos (6)
  Craspedia/Drumstick Flower (1)
  Dahlia (2)
  Datura/Angel's Trumpets
  Daucus/Carrot, Queen Anne's Lace (1)
  Dianthus (6)
  Didiscus (4)
  Echinacea (3)
  Emilia/Tassel Flower (1)
  Eryngium (2)
  Flax (1)
  Gaillardia/Blanket Flower (1)
  Godetia/Clarkia (3)
  Golden Marguerite/Dyer's Chamomile (1)
  Gomphrena/Globe Amaranth
  Helichrysum/Straw Flower (4)
  Iberis/Candytuft (1)
  Larkspur (6)
  Linaria/Toadflax (1)
  Maltese Cross (1)
  Marigolds (3)
  Matricaria/Feverfew (4)
  Mignonette (2)
  Mirabilis/Four O'Clocks (1)
  Moluccella/Bells of Ireland (1)
  Monarda (3)
  Morning Glory (2)
  Navajo Tea (1)
  Nicandra/Shoo-fly Plant (1)
  Nicotiana (3)
  Nigella (8)
  Oenothera/Evening Primrose
  Orlaya (1)
  Poppy (11)
  Poppy, Corn (6)
  Pyrethrum/Painted Daisy
  Rudbeckia/Black-Eyed Susan (9)
  Salpiglossis/Painted Tongue (1)
  Salvia/Sage (4)
  Saponaria (1)
  Scabiosa (11)
  Schizanthus/Angel's Wings (2)
  Silene/Campion (2)
  Snapdragon (2)
  Stocks (2)
  Sweet Pea
  Tithonia/Mexican Sunflower (2)
  Tobacco (1)
  Tweedia/Blue Milkweed
  Verbena (2)
  Veronica (1)
  Xeranthemum (2)
  Zinnia (22)
Amaranth (4)
Angelica (1)
Arugula (1)
Basil (8)
Beet and Chard (4)
Broccoli (1)
Burnet (1)
Celery (5)
Chervil (1)
Chickweed (1)
Collards (1)
Cress: Garden (2)
Cress: Upland (1)
Critter Mixes
Endive & Escarole (13)
Epazote (1)
Fennel (1)
Garland Chrysanthemum
Garlic Chives (1)
Giant Goosefoot
Gift Certificates (7)
Insectary Mix (2)
Kale: European (3)
Kale: Ruso-Siberian (5)
Leeks (3)
Lettuce (68)
Melon: Muskmelon
Mint: Korean (1)
Mustard: Mild (8)
Mustard: Pungent (6)
Orach (5)
Oregano (1)
Parsley (1)
Peppers (12)
Perilla/Shiso (1)
Pumpkin: Hulless Seeded
Purslane (2)
Quinoa (11)
Radish (1)
Salad Mixes (3)
Scallion (1)
Sorrel (1)
Spinach (2)
Strawberry Spinach (1)
Summer Savory (1)
T-Shirts (1)
Tomato (4)
Winter Squash
Flowers: Stocks
Matthiola incana

Everyone wonders, why is it called Stocks? Allan Armitage explains it as referring to the flower's stiff stems. During the middle ages "Stock gillyflowers" were stiff-stemmed sweet flowers of romance, as opposed to weaker stemmed gillyflowers, I suppose.

Because of a complex background of hybridization, all stocks are a mixture of single and double flowered plants. When grown at 45°F or less, seedlings of plants that will have doubled flowers look terrible (smaller, yellowed leaves and cotyledons) compared to plants which will have single flowers. The "flower industry" throws out the healthy seedlings in favor of doubled blooms. The cost of big beauty. An aside, the doubled flowers bear no seeds.

Seeds Per Packet: 100
Seeds Per Gram: 661

Oregon Tilth Certified Organic Seed

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 Quartet Rainbow (Stocks)  Quartet Rainbow 
Stout stems are 24" tall and thick with deeply clove scented flowers, sweet cream yellow in the center blending to white and then rose around the edges. A branching type that requires pinching for best display. pricing and more info...
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 Vicky's Vintage Violet (Stocks)  Vicky's Vintage Violet 
Victor never stops saving out his favorite finds, and this is a selection out of Vintage Mix. Nice violet and lavender flowers, 67% doubles in this year's growout. These reach 15", perhaps a better garden flower than commercial cut. pricing and more info...
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