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Flowers (201)
  Achillea/Yarrow (4)
  Ageratum/Floss Flower (1)
  Agrostemma/Corncockles (2)
  Amaranth (5)
  Ammi/False Queen Anne's Lace (2)
  Anemone/Poppy Anemone
  Armeria/Sea Pink (1)
  Artemesia (1)
  Asclepias/Milkweed (5)
  Aster/China Aster (1)
  Baptisia/False Indigo
  Belamcanda/Blackberry Lily (1)
  Bellflowers (1)
  Berlandiera/Chocolate Flower (1)
  Bupleurum/Green Gold Flower
  Calendula (6)
  Carthamus/Safflower (1)
  Catnip (1)
  Celosia (7)
  Chrysanthemum (2)
  Coreopsis (1)
  Cosmos (6)
  Craspedia/Drumstick Flower (1)
  Dahlia (2)
  Datura/Angel's Trumpets
  Daucus/Carrot, Queen Anne's Lace (1)
  Dianthus (6)
  Didiscus (4)
  Echinacea (3)
  Emilia/Tassel Flower (1)
  Eryngium (2)
  Flax (1)
  Gaillardia/Blanket Flower (1)
  Godetia/Clarkia (3)
  Golden Marguerite/Dyer's Chamomile (1)
  Gomphrena/Globe Amaranth
  Helichrysum/Straw Flower (4)
  Iberis/Candytuft (1)
  Larkspur (6)
  Linaria/Toadflax (1)
  Maltese Cross (1)
  Marigolds (3)
  Matricaria/Feverfew (4)
  Mignonette (2)
  Mirabilis/Four O'Clocks (1)
  Moluccella/Bells of Ireland (1)
  Monarda (3)
  Morning Glory (2)
  Navajo Tea (1)
  Nicandra/Shoo-fly Plant (1)
  Nicotiana (3)
  Nigella (8)
  Oenothera/Evening Primrose
  Orlaya (1)
  Poppy (11)
  Poppy, Corn (6)
  Pyrethrum/Painted Daisy
  Rudbeckia/Black-Eyed Susan (9)
  Salpiglossis/Painted Tongue (1)
  Salvia/Sage (4)
  Saponaria (1)
  Scabiosa (12)
  Schizanthus/Angel's Wings (2)
  Silene/Campion (2)
  Snapdragon (2)
  Stocks (2)
  Sweet Pea (1)
  Tithonia/Mexican Sunflower (2)
  Tobacco (1)
  Tweedia/Blue Milkweed
  Verbena (2)
  Veronica (1)
  Xeranthemum (2)
  Zinnia (22)
Amaranth (4)
Angelica (1)
Arugula (1)
Basil (8)
Beet and Chard (4)
Broccoli (1)
Burnet (1)
Celery (5)
Chervil (1)
Chickweed (1)
Collards (1)
Cress: Garden (2)
Cress: Upland (1)
Critter Mixes
Endive & Escarole (13)
Epazote (1)
Fennel (1)
Garland Chrysanthemum
Garlic Chives (1)
Giant Goosefoot
Gift Certificates (7)
Insectary Mix (2)
Kale: European (3)
Kale: Ruso-Siberian (5)
Leeks (3)
Lettuce (68)
Melon: Muskmelon
Mint: Korean (1)
Mustard: Mild (8)
Mustard: Pungent (7)
Orach (5)
Oregano (1)
Parsley (1)
Peppers (12)
Perilla/Shiso (1)
Pumpkin: Hulless Seeded
Purslane (2)
Quinoa (12)
Radish (1)
Salad Mixes (3)
Scallion (1)
Sorrel (1)
Spinach (2)
Strawberry Spinach (1)
Summer Savory (1)
T-Shirts (1)
Tomato (4)
Winter Squash
Flowers: Dianthus
Dianthus spp.
A huge genus of about 300 species of annuals, biennials and perennials, many suited to dry locations and rock gardens. Hybrids involving Sweet William (D. barbatus) and carnations (D. caryophyllus) are the types usually used for cut flowers, having longer stems and sweet scent. The species offered here will flower the first year if planted early.

Oregon Tilth Certified Organic Seed

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 Chabaud Benigna (Dianthus)  Chabaud Benigna 
Sweetly scented heirloom carnations from France, 2" blooms composed of frilly white petals edged in bright crimson, on stems 24-30" tall. Carnations are making a respectful return with these tasteful old OP heirlooms. pricing and more info...
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 Doubled Chinensis Mix (Dianthus)  Doubled Chinensis Mix 
Fragrant doubled blooms of deeply "pinked" pinks, in colors that include pink, red, white, and striate combinations of every shade in between. These aren't commonly used for cuts, being 12-15" tall, but they are certainly beautiful in the garden, and if small table bouquets are your thing, these may be a perfect fit. Annual, flowers first year. pricing and more info...
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 Jeanne Dionis (Dianthus)  Jeanne Dionis 
A pure white carnation on the longest stems we’ve seen. The fragrance of these really outshines any other flower in the garden, its spicy clovish scent apparent from 50 feet away. This one needs an early start for flowers the first year, or be treated as a biennial. But I must say, as a biennial, it was abundant in bloom. Beautiful grey-green foliage in the first year is a nice feature in itself... pricing and more info...
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Marie Chabaud 
All of the Chabaud types of carnation feature heavenly scent. This one has pale butter yellow blossoms about 2” across. A true annual type that flowers from July to frost from a mid-February sowing. pricing and more info...
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 Velvet 'n Lace (Dianthus)  Velvet 'n Lace 
Annual species with velvety rose-purple petals with lacy white margins (and backsides!) in doubled 2" petal layers around a white whorled center. Sweetly scented, luscious. Tidy border at 6-12" tall, 6-8" wide, long blooming. pricing and more info...
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 Volcano Mix (Dianthus)  Volcano Mix 
Fragrant mix of red, pink, white, burgundy, and purple shades 18-24" tall, a perennial in mild climates, best grown as an annual for cutting. pricing and more info...
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